

    Composition and tectonic significance of Jitang metamorphic core complex in eastern Xizang

    • 摘要: 吉塘变质核杂岩是研究北澜沧江缝合带构造演化过程的重要窗口。本文通过对吉塘变质核杂岩进行构造岩性填图、构造解析及锆石U-Pb测年,将变质核杂岩自上而下解析为沉积盖层、韧性流变层及核部变质杂岩的“三元结构”,核部变质杂岩与韧性流变层之间以韧性拆离带相连,拆离带具有上盘向南东方向剪切的运动学特征。吉塘变质核杂岩中同剪切花岗质糜棱岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为(33.0±1.2) Ma~(28.4±0.6) Ma,剪切后脉体的锆石U-Pb年龄为(18.35±1.2) Ma。综合以上研究结果,推测吉塘变质核杂岩新生代的隆升过程为:强烈的走滑断层活动形成了拉分盆地,其伸展环境使地壳减薄,大量岩浆上涌,最终导致了吉塘变质核杂岩于渐新世—中新世的隆升。吉塘变质核杂岩为渐新世—中新世大型走滑断层作用导致的区域性造山后伸展及大规模南东向逃逸构造事件的产物。


      Abstract: The Jitang metamorphic core complex is a key window for studying the tectonic evolution of the northern Lancangjiang zone. In this paper, through the study of structural lithology mapping, structural analysis, and zircon U-Pb dating, the Jitang metamorphic core complex is dissected from top to bottom into the upper unit (low-grade metamorphic or unmetamorphic sedimentary sequence), the middle unit (schists and phyllites) , and the lower unit (gneiss core). The lower unit (gneiss core) and the middle unit are connected by a ductile detachment shear zone, with the shear sense of the ductile shear zones indicating southeastern shearing of the upper plate. The zircon U-Pb age of syn-tectonic granitic mylonite in the Jitang metamorphic core complex ranges from (33.0±1.2) Ma to (28.4±0.6) Ma, and that of the post-tectonic vein is (18.35±1.2) Ma. It is speculated that the Cenozoic uplift process of the Jitang metamorphic core complex is as follows: strong strike-slip fault activity leads to the formation of a pull-apart basin, whose extensional environment leads to crustal thinning and a large amount of magma upwelling. Finally, this process resulted in the uplift of the Jitang metamorphic core complex during the Oligocene-Miocene. It is concluded that the Jitang metamorphic core complex is the product of a regional post-orogenic extension and a large-scale south-east trending escape tectonic event caused by the Oligocene-Miocene large-scale strike-slip faulting.


