

    Development characteristics, distribution patterns and favorable exploration zones of Permian reef shoals in Sichuan Basin

    • 摘要: 围绕四川盆地二叠纪开江-梁平海槽的台缘礁滩相勘探已获得巨大成功,但近十年勘探进入瓶颈期。为进一步深化二叠纪礁滩认识、取得规模性勘探新突破,本文以钻测井、地震及地质资料为基础,系统开展了二叠纪构造-沉积演化特征及礁滩分布规律研究,明确了下一步礁滩勘探的有利区带。研究表明:(1)栖霞期台内滩受加里东末期阶梯状环形侵蚀地貌控制,其台内滩表现出早、中、晚三期环带状展布的特点,川北九龙山—龙岗地区、蜀南宜宾—内江地区栖二段晚期环形台内滩成藏条件优越,勘探程度低,是下一步的重要勘探方向;(2)茅二段沉积期是二叠纪沉积格局转换的关键时期,茅二下亚段沉积受加里东古隆残留地貌控制,台内滩仍呈环带状分布,至茅二上亚段古地貌受峨眉地幔柱隆升活动影响,有利相带转变为北西-南东向“条带状”展布特征,磨溪北斜坡地区茅二上亚段台缘滩是茅口组重要的接替领域;(3)长兴期台缘礁向开江-梁平海槽内迁移形成多排礁滩体,具有优越的源储配置条件,是二叠系新的潜在勘探领域。


      Abstract: The exploration of carbonate rocks around the Permian Kaijiang-Liangping trough in the Sichuan Basin has achieved great success, but exploration has entered a bottleneck period in the past decade. In order to further deepen the understanding of Permian reef shoals and achieve new breakthroughs in large-scale exploration, based on drilling, logging, seismic, and geological data, a systematic study has been carried out on the Permian tectonic-sedimentary evolution characteristics and the distribution patterns of Permian reef shoals, and the favorable zones for further reef shoals exploration have been identified. Research shows that: (1) The shoal in the Qixia Formation tableland is controlled by the late Caledonian ladder-like annular erosion, featuring a ring-like distribution in the early, middle, and late stages. The Jiulong Mountain–Longgang region in northern Sichuan and the Yibin–Neijiang region in southern Sichuan have good conditions for the inner shoal formation of the ring-like tableland in the late stage of the second member of the Qixia Formation, with a low degree of exploration, needing further exploration in the next step. (2) The second stage of the Maokou Formation is the key period for the transformation of the sedimentary pattern of the Permian system. The sedimentation of the lower sub-member of the Maokou Formation was controlled by the residual landform of the Caledonian paleo-uplift, thus, the inner shoal is distributed in a ring belt. The ancient landform of the area to the upper sub-member of the Maokou Formation was affected by the uplift of the Emei mantle plume, so, the favorable sedimentary facies transformed into a "strip-like" distribution pattern trending northwest-southeast. The platform margin shoal of the upper sub-member of the Maokou Formation in the north slope region of Moxi is a major successor area of the Maokou Formation. (3) The platform margin reef shoals of the Changxing Formation migrated into the Kaijiang-Liangping trough to form multiple rows of reef shoals, which have superior source and reservoir distribution conditions, being a potential exploration area of the Permian system.


